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Full Publication List
- “Semi-supervised image-based narrative extraction: A case study with historical photographic records”, F. German, B. Keith, M. Matus, D. Urrutia & C. Meneses - ECIR 2025, Italy. [Final Version Pending]
- “ROGER: Extracting Narratives Using Large Language Models from Robert Gerstmann’s Historical Photo Archive of the Sacambaya Expedition in 1928”, M. Matus, D. Urrutia, C. Meneses & B. Keith - Text2Story Workshop 2024, Scotland. PDF
- “Evaluating the Ability of Computationally Extracted Narrative Maps to Encode Media Framing”, S. Concha & B. Keith - Text2Story Workshop 2024, Scotland. PDF
- “Evaluation of the Geochemical Background of Soil in a Hyper-Arid Zone using a Multivariate Statistical Methodology: The Case of the City of Antofagasta in the Atacama Desert”, B. Keith, E. Lam, Í. Montofré, V. Zetola, J. Urrutia, C. Herrera & J. Bech - Chemosphere. PDF
- “Predictive modeling of on‐time graduation in computing engineering programs: A case study from Northern Chile”, A. Quelopana, B. Keith & R. Pizarro - Computer Applications in Engineering Education. PDF
- “The Scientific Landscape of Phytoremediation of Tailings: A Bibliometric and Scientometric Analysis”, B. Keith, E. Lam, Í. Montofré, V. Zetola, & J. Bech - International Journal of Phytoremediation. PDF
- “From Mine Waste to Construction Materials: A Bibliometric Analysis of Mining Waste Recovery and Tailing Utilization in Construction”, V. Zetola, B. Keith, E. Lam, Í. Montofré, R. Rojas, J. Marín & M. Becerra - Sustainability. PDF
- “Enhancing Chatbot Performance with Retrieval Augmented Generation and Prompt Engineering”, J. Rivera, S. Zapata, R. Pizarro & B. Keith - WDKE-INFONOR 2024. PDF
- “Desarrollo de habilidades de comunicación en estudiantes de ingeniería: Una investigación-acción sobre estrategias de retroalimentación efectiva”, C. Rojas, B. Keith, E. Huerta, G. Alarcón, M. Tapia, I. Rampasso - SOCHEDI 2024. PDF
- “A survey on event-based news narrative extraction”, B. Keith, T. Mitra & C. North - ACM Computing Surveys. PDF
- “Mixed Multi-Model Semantic Interaction for Graph-based Narrative Visualizations”, B. Keith, T. Mitra & C. North - IUI 2023, Australia. PDF
- “An extension of the characteristic curve model of plant species behavior in heavy metal soils”, E. Lam, B. Keith, J. Bech, M. Gálvez, R. Rojas, F. Alvarez, V. Zetola & I. Montofré - Environmental Geochemistry and Health. PDF
- “Watching the Watchdogs: Using Transparency Cues to Help News Audiences Assess Information Quality”, B. Keith, K. Reis, T. Mitra & M. Horning - Media and Communication. PDF
- “Explainable interactive projections of images”, H. Han, R. Faust, B. Keith, J. Lin, S. Li & C. North - Machine Vision and Applications. PDF
- “Design guidelines for narrative maps in sensemaking tasks”, B. Keith, T. Mitra & C. North - Information Visualization. PDF
- “Characterizing Social Movement Narratives in Online Communities: The 2021 Cuban Protests on Reddit”, B. Keith, T. Mitra & C. North - C+J 2022, USA. PDF
- “Evaluating semantic representations for extended association rules”, L. Gutiérrez & B. Keith - Intelligent Data Analysis. PDF
- “Explainable Interactive Projections for Image Data”, H. Han, R. Faust, B. Keith, R. Prabhu. T. Smith, S. Li & C. North - ISVC 2022, USA. PDF
- “Characteristic curve modeling of plant species behavior in soils with heavy metals”, E. Lam, B. Keith, J. Bech, F. Alvarez, V. Zetola, L. Pereira & I. Montofré - Environmental Geochemistry and Health. PDF
- “Narrative Maps: An Algorithmic Approach to Represent and Extract Information Narratives”, B. Keith & T. Mitra - CSCW 2021, USA. PDF
- “Narrative sensemaking: strategies for narrative maps construction”, B. Keith, T. Mitra & C. North - IEEE VIS 2021, USA. PDF
- “Evaluating the Inverted Pyramid Structure through Automatic 5W1H Extraction and Summarization”, B. Keith, M. Horning & T. Mitra - C+J 2020, USA. PDF
- “Twitter sentiment analysis for the estimation of voting intention in the 2017 Chilean elections”, T. Alegre & B. Keith - Intelligent Data Analysis. PDF
- “Avances en representaciones de texto: espacios vectoriales semánticos y word embeddings”, L. Gutiérrez & B. Keith - CILCC 2018 - Book chapter on “Tecnologías del lenguaje humano”. PDF
- “Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve the Prediction of Copper Recovery by Leaching”, V. Flores, B. Keith & C. Leiva - Journal of Sensors. PDF
- “Effect of pretreatment prior to leaching on a chalcopyrite mineral in acid media using NaCl and KNO3”, V. Quezada, A. Roca, O. Benavente, M. Cruells, B. Keith & E. Melo - Journal of Materials Research and Technology. PDF
- “Sentiment analysis and opinion mining applied to scientific paper reviews”, B. Keith, E. Fuentes & C. Meneses - Intelligent Data Analysis. PDF
- “An extension to association rules using a similarity-based approach in semantic vector spaces”, B. Keith & C. Meneses - Intelligent Data Analysis. PDF
- “Heurísticas para Data Augmentation en NLP: Aplicación a Revisiones de Artículos Científicos”, R. Sánchez, C. Meneses & B. Keith - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. PDF
- “Gradient Boosted Trees Predictive Models for Surface Roughness in High-Speed Milling in the Steel and Aluminum Metalworking Industry”, V. Flores & B. Keith - Complexity. PDF
- “Using the Belbin method and models for predicting the academic performance of engineering students”, L. Gutiérrez, V. Flores, B. Keith, A. Quelopana - Computer Applications in Engineering Education. PDF
- “Necessity of intervention policies for tailings identified in the Antofagasta Region, Chile”, E. Lam, B. Keith, Í. Montofré & M. Gálvez - Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental. PDF
- “Extended association rules in semantic vector spaces for sentiment classification”, B. Keith & C. Meneses - WorldCIST 2018, Italy. PDF
- “Integration of Process Mining and Simulation: A Survey of Applications and Current Research”, B. Keith - WorldCIST 2018, Italy. PDF
- “Assessment of the adaptive capacity of plant species in copper mine tailings in arid and semiarid environments”, E. Lam, M. Gálvez, M. Cánovas, Í. Montofré, B. Keith - Journal of Soils and Sediments. PDF
- “The Scientific Landscape of Agile Software Development and Methodologies: A Social Network Analysis Perspective”, B. Keith & V. Vega - JIISIC 2018, Chile. PDF
- “Effect of curing time on the dissolution of a secondary copper sulphide ore using alternative water resources”, V. Quezada, L. Velásquez, A. Roca, O. Benavente, E. Melo, B. Keith - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. PDF
- “A Systematic Literature Review on Word Embeddings”, L. Gutiérrez & B. Keith - CIMPS 2018, México. PDF
- “A Review on Bayesian Networks for Sentiment Analysis”, L. Gutiérrez, J. Bekios & B. Keith - CIMPS 2018, México. PDF
- “Copper Uptake by Adesmia atacamensis in a Mine Tailing in an Arid Environment”, E. Lam, B. Keith, Í. Montofré & M. Gálvez - Air, Soil and Water Research. PDF
- “Evaluation of soil intervention values in mine tailings in northern Chile”, E. Lam, B. Keith, Í. Montofré & M. Gálvez - PeerJ. PDF
- “Empirical Evaluation of the BCOC Method on Multi-Domain Sentiment Analysis Data Sets”, B. Keith & C. Meneses - CIARP 2018, Spain. PDF
- “The relevance of hyper-parameters in convolutional neural networks: a case study with Fashion-MNIST”, R. Sánchez & B. Keith - WDKE-INFONOR 2018, Chile. PDF
- “The LapRLS Algorithm as a Simple Approach to Sentiment Analysis Lexicon Construction”, B. Keith & I. Jirón - WDKE-INFONOR 2018, Chile. PDF
- “Twitter Sentiment Analysis applied to the 2017 Chilean Elections”, T. Alegre & B. Keith - WDKE-INFONOR 2018, Chile. PDF
- “A Hybrid Approach for Sentiment Analysis Applied to Paper Reviews”, B. Keith, E. Fuentes & C. Meneses - WISDOM at SIGKDD 2017, Canada. PDF
- “Barycentric coordinates for ordinal sentiment classification”, B. Keith & C. Meneses - WISDOM at SIGKDD 2017, Canada. PDF
- “Minería de procesos de software: una revisión de experiencias de aplicación”, B. Keith & V. Vega - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. PDF
- “Evaluation of the phytoremediation potential of native plants growing on a copper mine tailing in northern Chile”, E. Lam, M. Cánovas, M. Gálvez, Í. Montofré, B. Keith, Á. Faz - Journal of Geochemical Exploration. PDF
- “A Knowledge-Based Prototype to Support the Intelligent Diagnosis of High-Risk Pregnancy”, V. Flores, B. Keith, D. Poblete, C. Leiva - Applied Medical Informatics. PDF
- “A Multilabel Extension of LDA Based on the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Procedure”, J. Bekios & B. Keith - CIARP 2017, Chile. PDF